Crazyhouses I

Year: 2018 - 2019

The visualisation of the daily issues happens to surround our social lives, for example, in family, at work which caused by the pressures brought by the modern society.

Presenting the “issues” / “problems” with a sense of humor & beauty of decay, where the abandoned locations in Germany & Belgium.

Crazyhouses II

Year: 2021 - 2023

This is the continuous series after “Crazy Houses I”, the visualisation of the daily issues that happen surrounding our social lives, which caused by the pressures brought by modern society.

In this series, the attempts are focused on the global changing impacts on our values/judgments.

Presenting the “issues” / “problems” with a sense of humor & beauty of decay, where the abandoned locations in France, Sweden & The Netherlands.

No stress, relax & smile!

In this series, the attempts are focused on the global changing impacts on our values/judgments.
(c) 2014 - 2025 Studio Mark van den Heuvel