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The Journey of Mark van den Heuvel: From Telecom to Fine Art Photography

Mark van den Heuvel was born in The Netherlands in 1982 and raised in the picturesque city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch. His early years were marked by tumultuous school experiences, but he eventually found his calling in the sound engineering and event management industry, working on numerous national and international events. After a decade, Mark switched gears and entered the telecom business, quickly rising to the position of regional manager at a large international firm.

However, in 2016, Mark realised that his true passion lay in fine art photography, which he had been pursuing as a hobby for many years. He quit his job in commercial business and dedicated himself full-time to his passion. His first photo production, "Alienation," was released at the end of 2016 and was quickly recognized by a local art gallery. His debut, "The Ego Has Landed," and his polaroid series quickly sold out, marking the beginning of a successful career in fine art photography.

Mark's work has earned him numerous accolades, including two unique photographs from the "Hieronymus Garden" 2017 series added to the collection of the Hieronymus Bosch House 2017 as a private collection. The photographs were displayed in the former house of the famous painter Hieronymus Bosch in the Netherlands. In the beginning of 2021, Mark's "Stadhuis II" x 2 were added to the municipality and country collections of Karlskoga municipality & The county art & culture unit, Regional Värmland, Sweden.

Mark's photography has continued to draw attention, with "Moerputten" from the "Alienation" photo series purchased by Årjäng municipality in 2022, and "Color Madness" from the same series purchased by Regional Värmland at the summer art exhibition at Laxholmen Kulturhus in Munkfors.

In the middle of 2023, Mark's photograph "School Of Wonders I" was purchased by Arvika municipality on the first day of his duo exhibition at the municipality art centre. Mark's work is inspired by the fast-paced and ever-changing society, and he sees himself as an autodidact. He aims to elicit both smiles and frowns from viewers through his photography.

Currently, Mark and his wife reside in Sweden, where they run Studio Mark & Jimena, a photo gallery, summer shop and marketing agency. Mark continues to produce fine art photographs, drawing inspiration from global societal issues and debates.


1 – 4 Nov, Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam, Gallerie Sille Kunst, The Netherlands

25 Jan – 3 March, Group Exhibition, ANiMAL, Fotogalleri Vasli Souza, Malmö, Sweden
01 Sept – 31 Dec, Poster Series, Boel073, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
28 – 29 Sept, Hantverkrunda Sunne, Sunne Hembygdsgård, Sweden
26 Oct – 23 Nov, Solo Exhibition, Galleri Björken, Sunne, Sweden

10 – 12 Apr, Frykens Konstrunda, Hotell Frykensstrand, Sunne, Sweden (cancelled)
30 Mar – 25 Apr, Solo Exhibition, Torsby Bibliotek, Torsby, Sweden
19 – 23 Apr, Online Exhibition, Marvelous Art Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
27 Jun – 19 Jul, Group Exhibition, Changing Ruins Exhibition 2020, Gallery Studio Todays, Nagoya, Japan

05 Jun – 14 Aug, Summer group exhibition, Galleri Björken, Sunne, Sweden
09 – 30 Jan, Solo Exhibition, Galleri Konst I Karlstad (Kika), Karlstad, Sweden

28 Oct '21 – July '22, Group Exhibition, Dutch Art House – Schijndel, The Netherlands
15 – 17 Apr, Påsk exhibition, Hotell Frykenstrand, Sunne, Sweden
27 May – 17 Jun, Solo Exhibition, Galleri Passagen, Årjäng, Sweden
11 Jun – 28 Aug, Summer Group Exhibition, 100% PALETT, Laxholmen Kulturhus, Munkfors, Sweden
1 Oct – 18 Nov Värmlands Könstförening, Höstsalong at Värmlands Museum Karlstad (Juried exhibition)

29 April – 28 May Vårsalong Museum Kvarnen, Filipstad, Sweden
Summer '23 Group Exhibition TONART, Laxholmen Kulturhus, Munkfors, Sweden
17 June – 5 Aug. Duo Exhibition with Karin Gustavsson, Arvika Konsthall, Arvika, Sweden
30 Sept - 19 Nov Höstsalongen, Rackstad Museet, Arvika Konsthall 
 (Juried exhibition)

09 Feb - 01 Mar, Konstrummet Melleruds Bibliotek, Mellerud, Sweden.
11 Jun - 05 Aug, Group Exhibition, Galleri Björken, Sunne, Sweden
02 Sept - 23 Sept, Eda Bibliotek, Charlottenberg, Sweden
16 Nov - 15 Dec, Sunsbergs Gård, Sunne, Sweden
29 Nov - 21 Dec, Galleri Ekdahl, Karlstad, Sweden

Aug, TBA



“Hieronymus Garden I & II” added to the Hieronymus Bosch House collection, ’s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

“Stadhuis II” is added to the collection of Karlskoga Kommun
“Stadhuis II” is added to the collection of the county collection of Region Värmland

 “Moerputten” added to the collection of Årjängs Kommun, Sweden
 “Colormadness” is added to the collection of the county collection of Region Värmland

“Paleisburg I” is added to the collection of the county collection of Region Värmland
"School Of Wonders I" is added to the collection of Arvika Kommun, Sweden.

"The Cave" is added to the collection of Eda Kommun.


* Membership Värmlands Konstnärsforbund
* Kultur Poolen


Your Daily Male 2018

Marvelous Art Magazine May 2020 Issue
QuarantineMag Contemporary Art Magazine

Photozine 1



25 October Fryksdalsbygden newspaper

23 September NWT newspaper

8 January NWT newspaper
8 January Värmlands Folksblad newspaper
15 January Fryksdalsbygden newspaper

16 June Arvika Nyheter newspaper


I min situation som kulturutvecklare och utställningsansvarig i Årjängs kommun så vill jag att våra kommuninvånare/besökare ska få ta del av så mycket olika uttrycksformer som det bara är möjligt, både professionella konstnärer till amatörer till elevutställningar.
Jag strävar efter att konsten som visas i vårt lilla galleri, Galleri Passagen, skulle skapa intresse och nyfikenhet och samtal från våra besökare.
Mark ́s utställning väckte nyfikenhet och man undrade över detaljerna i bilderna vilket gjorde att jag fick vara med och prata om konst och den totala friheten en konstnär har att ställa frågor, väcka oro, locka till skratt eller annat.
Jag kan väldigt enkelt rekommendera Mark och hans bildvärld, en utställning som blev mycket uppskattad och vi köpte in en bild som hänger i biblioteket och fortsatt väcker nyfikenhet.
Marie Pettersson
Kulturutvecklare, Årjängs Kommun
Jag vill rekommendera Mark van den Heuvel fina konst. Han ställde ut i vårt konstrum på Melleruds bibliotek 20240210-20240301
Han fotografier visar på stor kreativitet, underfundighet och kvalitet.
Utställningen hade många besökare och VÄLDIGT många berömde utställningen.
Så jag rekommenderar andra konsthallar att ta emot Mark och hand fina konst.
Anne-Marie Larsson
Bibliotekarie, Melleruds kommun
(c) 2014 - 2025 Studio Mark van den Heuvel